The main goal of this  website is to inform people how we live with and handle our Great Danes. We are starters in the World of breeding and have some ideas, better said, ideals, in what we hope to reach with breeding Great Danes. The appearance of the Great Dane comes often first but in our vision this is also the first discussion. Everybody has another opinion about the looks of the Great Dane. Some love small Danes and other love massive Danes.

For us health comes First. Sure you think, most breeders claim health as the most important reason for breeding, so you are one of the many breeders who claim health . That’s true, we have to proof ourselves. Great Danes, a Dog who is sleeping on the sofa, playing with the children and part of the family for many years. This will be our focus in breeding Great Danes. Honest and open for everyone. Of course, we visit shows, this is how it works, show your Great Danes and yourself, otherwise nobody gets to know you. Shows can be fun, meeting people, exchange information, winning, but winning doesn’t say anything about health.

So, this is it, we cannot give any guarantee, nobody can see the future. We only guarantee that we do our best and focus on healthy dogs.

On the left side you find the menu to navigate on the website. Sometimes it is possible to click links for further navigation to other interesting information. If you have questions you can send them by e-mail. Click the contact button for our e-mail address. Pictures, video’s, news, mating and litters will change most of the times. Here you can also find information of breeders who we know, when they have litters.
Go ahead, navigate through our website, questions, please send them. Read about us, our Great Danes and see how they life. And don’t forget to visit and sign the Guestbook.

Linda and Harm